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  • Writer's pictureJoe Lyons

Madcap Living History Presents “Chatauqua in Mount Vernon”

Last night, Madcap Living History speaker was none other than local historian Ken Hammontree, who brings a wide range of characters to life for educational purposes, and last night he brought Dietrich Bonhoeffer to life, a man who saved the lives of thousands of Jews.

A Righteous Gentile vs. Hitler and the Third Reich

By Kenneth Hammontree

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seduced Germany, bullied a continent, and attempted to exterminate the Jews from Europe, a small number of clergy and saboteurs worked to destroy the Third Reich from inside. One such clergy was Dietrich Bonhoeffer a Lutheran pastor.

How does one person take a stand against tyranny and evil? How does a nation come under the spell of oppression and an evil government that can control every aspect of life, even control the churches? It can happen anywhere at any time in history.

I remember reading Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship as required in a course of study. It is impossible to understand Bonhoeffer’s stand against Hitler without becoming acquainted with the shocking capitulation of the German church to Hitler in the late 1930’s.

One must ask, how could the church of “Martin Luther” of the reformation, the great teacher of the gospel of Christ and grace have ever come to such an evil place. Even the Roman Catholic church who always supported the sanctity of life became silent.

The answer is that the true historical gospel summed up by Bonhoeffer as costly grace with a price had been over the years lost in the German churches. Legalism and ritualism had taken over the church. Legalism and cold ritualism made it possible for Hitler achieve his goals. The Nazis loved legalism, ritualism and control and made it very easy for them to take control of every aspect of society.

At the beginning of the war, it was possible to separate the Nazis from the German people and recognize that not all Germans were supportive of Hitler and the Nazi party. As the war waged on, and there was more destruction and death, world opinion began to turn against the German people. How could this evil be stopped?

Who better to face the greatest evil of the 20th century than a humble and devout man of God. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the theologian, pastor, and spy with the moral courage to stand up against the monstrous evil. The problem that he faced was that he now was in the safety of America miles away from the evil spreading across Europe.

Bonhoeffer became concerned that the churches in Germany were supporting the new order and the great reset. The Nazis now controlled every aspect of the German nation. Red banners bearing the black swastika hung from the pulpits and services began with a fervent “Heil Hitler!” Bonhoeffer knew he had to return to his homeland Germany, however in doing so could mean a death sentence for him.

After returning to Germany on the last boat from New York to his beloved country, he found out that all teachers and ministers had to give the oath of obedience to Adolf Hitler. He decided to resign his university post and for two years went underground with a clandestine seminary at Finkenwalde, for his “Confessing Church” a small minority of German pastors opposed to Hitler.

A relative working for German counterintelligence discovered what the Nazis were up to with the “final solution” and the Jews, and about the death camps all across Europe. He realized that Hitler had to be destroyed to stop the mass killings.

Bonhoeffer was asked to assist in the plot and became involved with the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler. It was also at this time Bonhoeffer was part of operation U7 in the effort to smuggle Jews into neutral Switzerland.

With the unsuccessful attempt on Hitler’s life on July 20, 1944, by Claus Von Stauffenberg, General Olbtricht, and Henning Von Tresckow, Bonhoeffer realized that it was only a matter of time before the SS would come to him at Tegel Prison where he was being held in Cell 92, for his activity with the underground church and operation U7. It was during his time at Tegel that he corresponded with his family, friends, and Maria his fiancé.

In 1992 Maria’s letters between her and Dietrich were published in a book called “Love Letters from Cell 92.” After he was sent to a Gestapo prison his letters to the outside world ceased. Then as the Allies closed in on Berlin, he was transported to the concentration camp at Buchenwald.

In those last weeks of the war Dietrich brought faith and peace to countless prisoners. When Hitler realized that his “thousand-year-Reich” was truly coming to an end, he drew up a list of inmates who must die before the Allies arrived. Bonhoeffer was top of the list.

As the Americans were nearing Buchenwald, Bonhoeffer was transported to Flossenburg death camp on April 8th, 1945. The prisoners knew they had arrived at Flossenburg from the stench of death, where the ovens could not keep up with the dead. On April 9th he was executed by hanging with piano wire along with five others who were involved with the plot to kill Hitler.

Two weeks later, on July 23, 1945, General Patton’s Third Armor division rode into Flossenburg and liberated the death camp. In another week Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun committed suicide and the war was over. The camp doctor wrote in his report of the execution of Bonhoeffer, “he said a short prayer and then climbed the steps to the gallows… and died well.”

Bonhoeffer was one of many Germans who took a stand against Hitler, knowing it was a death sentence. Over 5,000 men and women died in the effort to rid Germany of the evil with the Valkyrie plot. The destruction and death of over 65 million souls could have been avoided if the German people would have become aware of the evil taking over their country. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Madcap Living History, a not for profit business that celebrate Historical education.

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