On May 10th, around 4am, a Trooper from the Ashland Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol was involved in a High-Speed Pursuit, starting around the 196mm to the 220mm on I-71.
The traffic stop started out as a normal traffic stop for speed, but quickly turned anything but normal, although the female had no driver’s license, and nearly no clothes the Trooper attempted to cut the female a break and not tow the car, but she wasn't in the mood to leave her car.
After having the female put on clothes, the Trooper was going to have her exit the vehicle to be transported to the next exit, to have a friend pick her up. she simply started her car and drove off to the surprise of the Trooper.
"What the hell was that?!" the Trooper exclaimed while arresting her after the pursuit.
**Pursuit starts at the 12:50 mark**