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  • Writer's pictureJoe Lyons

AU to welcome Jillian Peterson, co-author of highly-acclaimed “The Violence Project,” on Oct. 10

ASHLAND, Ohio – The Ashland Center for Nonviolence (ACN) is co-hosting a special event with the Ashland County Mental Health and Recovery Board, as part of Ashland University’s 2023-24 Symposium Against Indifference: Perspectives on the Mental Health Crisis. On Tuesday, Oct. 10, which is World Mental Health Day, Ashland will welcome Jillian Peterson, co-author of “The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic,” in the Trustees Room of the John C. Myers Convocation Center at 7 p.m. The presentation is free and open to the public.

“The Violence Project” is based on four years of in-depth research into the lives of mass shooters. Using data, including first-person accounts from perpetrators of mass shootings across the country, Peterson charted new pathways to prevention and innovative ways to stop the social contagion of violence. She will share those data-driven solutions on what can be done individually, in our communities and as a country to put an end to these tragedies.

In addition to her highly-acclaimed book, Peterson is a forensic psychologist and associate professor of criminology at Hamline University. Her career began as a special investigator in New York City, researching the psycho-social life histories of men facing the death penalty. She has led largescale research studies on mental illness and crime, school shooting prevention and mass violence, which have received national media attention. She has been a regular commentator on CBS Morning News, NPR, CNN and Fox News.

A sought-after national trainer and speaker on issues related to mental illness and violence, trauma, forensic psychology and mass violence, Peterson earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Grinnell College and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in psychology and social behavior from the University of California, Irvine. She is trained in restorative justice, violence mediation, crisis intervention, de-escalation and suicide prevention.

The Ashland Center for Nonviolence promotes alternatives to violence through education, training and building relationships that foster awareness and consideration of issues related to nonviolence and social justice, and supports ways to create a caring community that is inclusive and just.

For more information, please contact Elizabeth Buttil, assistant director of ACN, at 419-289-5313 or


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