Animals Need Friendships

Animals Need Friendships
Simon Peter and Mary Magdalene were best friends for thirteen years. Around the time Pete was declining, Grace came to stay.
After Pete died, Mary, who was full of bounce became utterly deflated. She crept into her bed and curled herself up as though wishing to shut out the world. She made messes in the house, which she had never done, and had to be carried outside for a small walk.
Well… Grace would have none of this behavior. She would lick Mary’s face and snuggle in bed with her. Finally, Mary had enough of this pup and the conversations between the two began:
Mary: Ok pup, this is how it is! I am queen and you are not. Time for a walk outside. This is where you pee and poop.
Grace: Ok, like this?
Mary: Stop pulling on your leash! Walk beside your human, not in front, and not behind.
Grace: Ok, like this?
Mary: At bedtime you will stay in the kitchen until you quit peeing in the house. Maybe later you can come to bed with me.
Grace: Ok, but sometimes I can’t hold it and I’m lonely.
Mary: Stop jumping on people or your human will stand on your leash until you figure it out.
Grace: Do you think I will ever be as good as you?
Mary: Sure, but you have a long way to go. Listen to you human.
She is trying to teach you to be a lady. Notice how she
never calls you “bad dog”. She only gives you praise.
Keep trying pup. In the meantime, I’m glad we are friends.
I’d like you more if you would quit biting my ears
Grace: Ok.
After Mary died, Joy came to live with Grace.
Grace: Ok pup. This is how it is. I am queen and you are not.
Two years later, Joseph came to live with Grace and Joy.
Joseph: Ok pups. This is how it is. I am the Supreme Allied Commander!
Joy: This will be interesting!
Blessings and love,
Dianne Hammontree