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  • Writer's pictureJoe Lyons

Active Shooter Training at Black River

The Ashland County Sheriff’s Office hosted an active shooter training, at the Black River Education Center this past week, June 26th - 29th 2023.

Trainers from the Sheriff’s Office and the Ashland Police Department provided classroom and scenario training to 61 county officers from the Sheriff’s Office, Ashland Police, Loudonville Police Officers, OhioHealth Police, and The Ohio State Highway Patrol.

Lt. Sims of the Ashland County Sheriff’s Office commented that this type of training is unfortunately needed across the country, in today’s times. “This is something Sheriff Risner feels very strongly about and has provided us the equipment to train with, Air soft guns and other items that provide realistic sounds, so we can train at real speed.” Lt. Sims continued, “We are able to make sure that officers are on the same page when it comes to what is expected of them.”

“We were very pleased with how our officers worked through the training.” Lt. Sims concluded, “We hope to continue this type of training every year. This year, Black River Schools opened their doors to us, and we thank them for the use of their building. We also had civilian volunteers during the scenarios. We thank them, and HOP munitions from Hayesville, who also participated in the scenario training.”


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